Wednesday 29 June 2016

After The BREXIT: Stop DieselGate And Dump The Pump - Elon Musk Presents Electric Tesla Model 3.

  Her Majesty the Queen has reassured everybody yesterday: "Well, I am still alive". Now more people believe that there is life after the BREXIT and FTSE is gaining almost all lost ground from the last week. Smart people have managed to buy more Tesla  shares on the cheap and the price is crawling back over $200 again. 
  Now we have to find the strong woman to make the UK the Great Britain again. My vision for the UK is the one of Singapore and Switzerland squared with the free market ruling the lives of proud hard working people governed by uncorrupted politicians. I guess that this dangerous combination for the status quo will never really happen, but we can try at least with the easy three-step plan: government cuts corporate taxes, introduces one page 15% flat personal tax and everybody starts to work really hard;  Pound is backed by Gold and New Energy Plan is unleashed based on Renewable Energy and Electric Cars.  If China can build from scratch its New Energy strategic industries of Solar and EVs why the UK can't? Now with corrupted EU politicians out of the scene in the UK, we can stop DieselGate for real. 

  The Great Britain starts building the manufacturing base for the 21st century based on Solar Power Generation, Energy Storage, Lithium Technology and Electric Cars. All sales of new diesel cars are banned immediately and all petrol cars from 2020. Millions of new working places are created, Britain becomes The Great again and starts to export all over the world its goods and services, trade is booming backed by Gold pound. People are paying 15% flat tax - because it is cheaper than run from it. I guess that I better stop dreaming - it is not happening. So you all better check what will happen when $12 Trillion industries are finally disrupted and we all start buying Chinese Electric Cars.  
  There is still a small chance that my dream can come true for the UK and electric cars are coming anyway: they are just better and very soon will be cheaper. We have just a chance to make the UK the Great Britain again. Elon Musk is talking how it could be done and below are some of my thoughts about the far-reaching implications of this vision.

Lithium 2.0 Launch: Security Of Supply - Galaxy Resources To Buy General Mining In Lithium Takeover.

  "This chart of lithium price in China is keeping awake at night very many people now in our very small industry. Quite a lot of them have totally missed the launch of Lithium 2.0 and now the security of supply is the major geopolitical issue. Tesla is still relying on Panasonic to supply lithium cells and a lot of people are relying on the "Lithium Found in Nevada" under Tesla's Gigafactory floor.
  Ganfeng Lithium: $4.5 billion giant from China is the strategic partner of International Lithium and now financing two of our J/V operations in Ireland and in Argentina. We are going where Lithium is and not just the hype around it. As we have discussed before, Lithium 2.0 is now for real as we have the real electric cars finally on the road and GM Bolt and Tesla Model 3 bring us mass market for electric cars.  Cheap lithium batteries change everything. Exponential growth in EVs sales is following by deployment of Energy Storage now.
  This Lithium M&A is pointing out another very important quality of Lithium 2.0 Launch: separation of dreams from the real people with the real projects, capital and technology to put them forward. There are only very limited number of quality lithium projects and even less capable teams with access to the capital and technology, like in the case of International Lithium and Ganfeng.
  Galaxy is back from after the death experience and moves into the "New Lithium Top Six" taking over the "Old Lithium Big Three". Albemarle, SQM and FMC are being chased by very aggressive Ganfeng Lithium and Tianqi from China. Now we can add Galaxy to this very small space for investors to play around with the security of lithium supply for the future when all cars will be electric. That chart of lithium price shows what is happening when in the last 5 years out of 80k T of LCE expected new production annually only 18k T was put on-line and when Gigafactory and Megafactories are only coming on. 
  Now is time to check out the Gigafactories Game of Lithium Demand: 

Before we were talking about: 

1. Tesla Gigafactory 1 with 35 GWh and cost $5bn in Nevada, US.
2. LG Chem with 7 GWh and cost $0.5bn in China.
3. FOXCONN with 15 GWh and cost  $0.81bn in China.
4. BYD with 20 GWh in China - Warren  Buffett owns a stake in BYD, leader of EV sales in China.
5. Boston Power 10 GWh in China - Ganfeng Lithium ILC partner owned 10% of Boston Power.

Total: 87 GWh - a point of reference: total world lithium batteries production in 2013 was 35 GWh.

Now we have to add here:

- 17 lithium battery start-ups in China, totally unquantifiable number and I will leave it out as speculative. 

6. BYD plants in Brazil and Argentina.
7. Panasonic in China.
8. LG Chem in Europe.
9. Mercedes in Europe.
10. A123 in Europe.
11. BMZ with 30 GWh planned capacity in Germany, Europe.
12. Volkswagen with $11.2 cost planned in Germany, Europe.

Total: more than 117 GWh of new lithium batteries capacity. 

  Now you can appreciate that my scenario of lithium demand doubling within next 5 years as the conservative one. Only Tesla with its plan of 1 million EVs produced by 2020 will consume at least 60 GWh of lithium batteries capacity assuming the average of 60 KWH batteries per EV. Knowing the Elon Musk's maniacal insistence on producing the most of all components in-house, we can add Gigafactory 2 in Europe as well to the list above.
  Where will all this lithium ome from? This is the very good question to ask the best experts at coming Benchmark Minerals Intelligence Lithium Batteries Supply Tour 2016, which will start in London on June 6th at UBS. I will give you a teaser and few links on this blog to dig out your own conclusion.  Albemarle is the top lithium producer now. SQM is struggling with political issues, FMC is struggling with lithium production and both are producing Lithium for less than 20% of revenue. It means that even if you can technically produce more, you have to sell 80% more of other products as fertilisers as well. Ganfeng and Tianqi are taking the market by the storm and both are in fierce competition. Now Tianqi controls Talison with Albemarle (Albemarle has acquired Rockwood Lithium) and Ganfeng is buying lithium spodumene from Talison and lithium brine concentrate from SQM. It is not very well constructed base for the exponential growth and at AGM on 21st of September 2015 Ganfeng Lithium has officially informed its shareholders: "its major risk is the security of lithium supply." Ganfeng has invested in Neometals and approved budgets for International Lithium J/V projects in Ireland and Argentina. Ganfeng owns 15% stake in International Lithium. The presentations below will provide you with more initial information for your due diligence.  Read more."

International Lithium At Wentworth 2016 Presentation.

CEO-Roaster With International Lithium Corp.: Building A Green Energy Metals Royalty Company.

  It took International Lithium 7 years of building its Lithium business and 5 years of partnership with Ganfeng Lithium: $4.5 billion market cap giant from China - to receive this acknowledgement to celebrate our 5th IPO anniversary: Watch the video."

"Ganfeng has a strong commitment to supply Lithium product to various industries worldwide,” stated Ganfeng’s Director, Wang Xiaoshen, “so we clearly have a vested interest in these projects and have been very hands-on in the evaluation of ILC’s properties. Our company is the only one in the world that has commercial production capacities to extract Lithium from both brine and spodumene, and we continually implement cutting-edge technologies to our processes. I feel confident that this is a fit for our operations and the potential these projects hold."

Race For Renewable Energy Technologies Charges Lithium Market. Chinese Lithium Leader Secures Supply Sources.

  Here is the link to answer all your questions why Lithium will power us for the next 50 years and after that Robots:

Lithium-Air Battery Breakthrough Will Make Diesel And Petrol Cars Obsolete.

Please carefully read my legal disclaimer, nothing on this blog represents investment and/or tax advice. Please always consult your qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions. 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Presentation: TNR Gold Shotgun Project, Alaska.

Energy Metals Royalty Company TNR Gold Corp. Announces Restructure of Loan.

  We are very fortunate at TNR Gold and International Lithium to have our very strong core partners who are supporting us through thick and thin. Today I am very pleased that Gary and myself are opening the new chapter in TNR Gold's history and we will move forward our Energy Metals Royalty Company business plan forward. We have managed to protect and even built new assets for all our shareholders at TNR Gold during this recent massacre in junior mining and commodities sectors.  
  Even if markets are not there to appreciate it we still have everything we fought so hard for: Royalty in one of the world's largest Los Azules Copper deposit in Argentina, Shotgun Gold project in Alaska and our Stake in International Lithium. We are coming back in business with TNR Gold and now we have time to monetise our assets and capitalise on the Mega Trend I am writing here about: Next Industrial Energy rEVolution powered by Lithium Technology. Electric Cars, Solar and Wind power generation and distribution are demanding a lot of Copper and Gold will not only provide the best conductivity and connections, but one day will shine as the one and only true money without anyone obligation.
  Please check carefully my legal disclaimer and never make any investment decisions without consulting your qualified financial adviser. Read more."

TNR Gold And International Lithium: Argentina Fever Is Back For Investors Who've Waited 14 Years.

 I hope that this excitement will get to our companies as well one day! We are ready, we have not only saved our assets but built a new business in Argentina with Ganfeng Lithium - $4.5 Billon market cap giant from China, which is financing International Lithium Mariana J/V project in Argentina.

  TNR Gold holds:

3. Stake in International Lithium, which develops J/V Mariana Lithium project in Argentina being financed by a giant from China - Ganfeng Lithium. 

  Please carefully read my legal disclaimer and you can find all latest financial information about TNR Gold and International Lithium on SEDAR. Please never make any investment decisions without consulting with your preferred qualified financial adviser. Read more.

"The Shotgun Gold Project is an advanced-stage exploration prospect in southwestern Alaska.  TNR Gold Corp. (“TNR”) owns 90% of the Shotgun Gold Project  consisting of a total of 108 claims covering an area of 6,993 hectares (17,280 acres).
The Shotgun Gold Project is located in southwestern Alaska approximately 150 km north of Dillingham and 190 km south of the Donlin Gold Project. TNR Gold."

Lithium Technology: "Tesla Model 3 - The Model S/X Test Drive That Sold Me On The Hype."

  Michael Fisher has produced the great video about Tesla electric cars and all its positives and a few things which are still to be improved.  It shows what a lot of people who ordered Tesla Model 3 as their first electric car really think. We are at the dawn of the mass market for electric cars and Lithium is the magic metal at the very heart of this Energy rEVolution. 
  International Lithium continues to build vertically integrated lithium business with $4.5 Billion MC giant from China Ganfeng Lithium and now we have 3 Lithium projects in our Upper Canada Pool to secure lithium supply for the West and North American market.

"The Tesla Model 3. Despite having zero interest in cars and living in a city with abundant public transit (and abundant traffic jams), I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a part of a transportation revolution. A few months ago I ordered the Tesla Model 3 alongside about 400,000 other people, and it should be rolling up to my doorstep sometime late in 2018. It will be my very first electric car.

The question I have is probably the same one you do, whether you ordered a Tesla Model 3 or not: did I make the right call? Can the Model 3 possibly live up to all the buzz? And what kind of car will it be when it actually rolls out of the factory? To find out, I needed to learn what driving a Tesla is like today. So I flew to Florida with Derek Kessler and Serenity Caldwell from Tesla Central, and we spent a few days doing our own Tesla Test Drive with the Model S P85D and a brand-new Model X P90D. 
What I discovered was that Tesla has the power to turn even the most apathetic driver into an auto aficionado.  Michael Fisher."

Lithium Race In Ludicrous Mode: The Rapid Growth Of Electric Cars Worldwide, In 4 Charts.


  "Welcome to the fast lane for electric cars everybody. Now even this very impressive chart above has changed dramatically. In our conversations cost of lithium batteries is one of the major tipping points for all cars to become electric in the very near future. The mass media and broader public are still totally missing the point of the recent, maybe, the most important announcement by Elon Musk. Tesla can already make lithium batteries for Model S and X with all-in cost of $190 per kWh. Now we should move our discussion from "If" To "When" all cars will be electric. As you can imagine, this groundbreaking shift will affect all forecasts for lithium demand as well.  We will have not 10%, 20% or 40% of EVs - ALL cars will be electric.
  As Tony Seba has pointed out: once the cost of rooftop Solar energy generation becomes cheaper than the cost of energy transmission local Solar will make all centralised nuclear, gas and other Energy sources obsolete in general. We have the Energy World just before the INTERNET. We are moving from Data Storage to Energy Storage. The same is happening with electric cars: once you can have an electric car with better performance than ICE, which is cheaper as well, whole industries will be gone. We are witnessing the generational disruption of the world as we know it by lithium technology making cheap and efficient Energy storage reality. Read more."

Cheap Lithium Batteries Change Everything: EVs Sales Rising Exponentially And Solar Energy Storage Next.


  "InsideEVs brings to our attention the major driving force behind the exponential growth of sales for EVs from the very low base.  Cheap lithium batteries change everything. Tony Seba is the best to explain why all cars will be electric by 2030.Elon Musk with Tesla Motors is doing this trick and now Tesla Model 3 will ignite the real transition to the best cars which just happen to be electric. 
  Oil and Auto industry are poisoned by their own toxic cancer hazard emissions from diesel and gas powered ICE engines and still in denial at their own peril about the dramatic shift in technology  announced by Elon Musk last month. Now even truly rEVolutionary estimations for the cost of lithium batteries by Tony Seba are not relevant any more. 
  Elon Musk has announced that Tesla can already produce lithium battery with all-in cost of $190 per kWh. Mass production of batteries at Gigafactory will bring cost even lower, next stage will be Lithium Solid State with prices at $100 per kWh and Tesla Model S and X with over 500 miles range. I believe that Elon Musk is already working on LSS at Gigafactory. Dyson has joined the lithium race as well and bought out Lithium Solid State pioneer Sakti3 with promise to invest $1 Billion to commercialise this technology. Lithium Air is still years away from the field applications, but this lithium technology promises to bring us batteries with cost below $100 per kWh and electric cars with 1,000 miles range. Solar Energy Home and Utility Storage Systems will benefit next from this dramatic decrease in technology cost and will become even larger market for lithium based batteries. We are talking here about disruption of $4 Trillion Transportation and $8 Trillion Energy Industries. Lithium is the magic metal at the very heart of this Energy rEVolution.
  International Lithium continues to build vertically integrated lithium business with $4.5 Billion MC giant from China Ganfeng Lithium and now we have 3 Lithium projects in our Upper Canada Pool to secure lithium supply for the West and North American market. Read more."

International Lithium At Wentworth 2016 Presentation.

Please carefully read my legal disclaimer, nothing on this blog represents investment and/or tax advice. Please always consult your qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions. 

Saturday 25 June 2016

BREXIT Has Wiped Off £40 B From UK Banks Valuation, Now Try Disruption Of $12 T Transportation And Energy.


  It will be a very short weekend in the UK, which is now being in danger to be totally consumed by mass media attacking us from all devices. It is the very important point in the European history, it is not about right and wrong - it is all about change. Friday morning UK banks were down -30%, Swiss ones -10% and Deutsche Bank was -15%. Gold was shining brightly as was the sun finally: +17% in GBP. It is the price to be paid for challenging a status quo. By the way, banks have never really recovered after 2008. It is nice to be on the right side of the trade and, maybe, history.
  For everybody, who are already missing European unelected bureaucrats, like 10,000 of them who are paid more than UK PM David Cameron - "BREXIT The Movie" will be a great antidote from NWO Bubble Media hysteria.  

  Now imagine what will happen when not only people in one particular country will vote for the one particular unexpected outcome, but we all will start voting with our wallets for the better and cheaper cars, which happen to be electric and for the cheaper electricity provided by Solar. 
  Below you can find ideas about how it is possible and why it will happen. Friday morning £40 Billion dollars were wiped off of the UK banking sector. We are talking here about $14 Trillion Industries: Transportation and Energy being disrupted as we speak. Join disruption or be disrupted.     
  Now we have to find a strong woman to make the UK The Great Britain again. We have a real chance to embrace the Energy rEVolution, build the production and manufacturing base for the 21st century with EVs and Solar powered by lithium technology. The good start will be to ban all diesel cars right now following by ban for all petrol cars from 2020 and start building lithium batteries Megafactories, EVs and Solar installations to power them. If China can build from scratch New Energy Industry based on Electric Cars, Solar and Wind why the UK can't? Yes, we can - let's give it a try at least.

EuroObserver: Volkswagen DieselGate - Who Knew What When? Could It Has Been Prevented? What Is Next?

  "EuroObserver provides the great example of the true journalism and investigative reporting. On the links below you can find a lot of information which auto lobby is still hiding in the plain sight with the help of corrupted politicians. The ugly truth is that any amount of pollution is toxic and dangerous and all automakers can't comply with toxic cancer hazard emissions of diesel and petrol cars in the real driving conditions. The electrification of our transportation is the only way forward.  Now we have lithium technology, cheap lithium batteries change everything and the best electric cars are making it possible. Read more."

Elon Musk Moves To Tesla Solar Cities: The Goal - Exit The Fossil Fuels Era As Soon As Possible.

  "There are very heated debates on the CNBC, Bloomberg and in social media about Elon Musk's bold move to buy out SolarCity by Tesla. Number crunchers will point out to the SolarCity problems, family connections, conflicts of interests and "how many people would be better by buying Tesla Electric Car than Tesla's stock during the recent underwriting". Smarter short sellers can point out to the  "disarray of the solar industry in general" after the collapse of the Sun Edison.  Everything will work now - just to cover the Big Short. They all have a very little time left ... Elon Musk will spell it all out one more time at the Tesla Gigafactory "opening" in July. Read more."

Lithium Race In Ludicrous Mode: The Rapid Growth Of Electric Cars Worldwide, In 4 Charts.


  "Welcome to the fast lane for electric cars everybody. Now even this very impressive chart above has changed dramatically. In our conversations cost of lithium batteries is one of the major tipping points for all cars to become electric in the very near future. The mass media and the broader public are still totally missing the point of the recent, maybe, the most important announcement by Elon Musk. Tesla can already make lithium batteries for Model S and X with the all-in cost of $190 per kWh. Now we should move our discussion from "If" To "When" all cars will be electric. As you can imagine, this groundbreaking shift will affect all forecasts for lithium demand as well.  We will have not 10%, 20% or 40% of EVs - ALL cars will be electric.
  As Tony Seba has pointed out: once the cost of rooftop Solar energy generation becomes cheaper than the cost of energy transmission local Solar will make all centralised nuclear, gas and other Energy sources obsolete in general. We have the Energy World just before the INTERNET. We are moving from Data Storage to Energy Storage. The same is happening with electric cars: once you can have an electric car with better performance than ICE, which is cheaper as well, whole industries will be gone. We are witnessing the generational disruption of the world as we know it by lithium technology making cheap and efficient Energy storage reality. Read more."

Cheap Lithium Batteries Change Everything: EVs Sales Rising Exponentially And Solar Energy Storage Next.


  "InsideEVs brings to our attention the major driving force behind the exponential growth of sales for EVs from the very low base.  Cheap lithium batteries change everything. Tony Seba is the best to explain why all cars will be electric by 2030.Elon Musk with Tesla Motors is doing this trick and now Tesla Model 3 will ignite the real transition to the best cars which just happen to be electric. 
  Oil and Auto industry are poisoned by their own toxic cancer hazard emissions from diesel and gas powered ICE engines and still in denial at their own peril about the dramatic shift in technology  announced by Elon Musk last month. Now even truly rEVolutionary estimations for the cost of lithium batteries by Tony Seba are not relevant anymore. 
  Elon Musk has announced that Tesla can already produce lithium battery with the all-in cost of $190 per kWh. Mass production of batteries at Gigafactory will bring cost even lower, next stage will be Lithium Solid State with prices at $100 per kWh and Tesla Model S and X with over 500 miles range. I believe that Elon Musk is already working on LSS at Gigafactory. Dyson has joined the lithium race as well and bought out Lithium Solid State pioneer Sakti3 with a promise to invest $1 Billion in order to commercialise this technology. Lithium Air is still years away from the field applications, but this lithium technology promises to bring us batteries with cost below $100 per kWh and electric cars with 1,000 miles range. Solar Energy Home and Utility Storage Systems will benefit next from this dramatic decrease in technology cost and will become an even larger market for lithium based batteries. We are talking here about a disruption of $4 Trillion Transportation and $8 Trillion Energy Industries. Lithium is the magic metal at the very heart of this Energy rEVolution.
  International Lithium continues to build a vertically integrated lithium business with $4.5 Billion MC giant from China Ganfeng Lithium and now we have 3 Lithium projects in our Upper Canada Pool to secure lithium supply for the West and North American market. Read more."

Donald Trump, Energy rEVolution and Inverted Pyramid.

  "Panic is in the air. The establishment is challenged by one of them, who knows all the Rules. Donald Trump: the first presidential candidate without Corporate Prepaid Access Card - is running wild and straight into the Oval Office. He will be elected on just one slogan "Let's stop all this BS (Banking Slang) - I did it myself". He has answers for everything, he is not asking for money anyone and he can act fast. And do not hold your nose, please; it is your country, what is left out of it after air pollution and GMO attack. He talks the language the fed up with BS people can understand. They want the real change. 
  The establishment is in a total shock. One of them had blown the last pieces of the built by Brothers for thousand of years Pyramid and now it is turned over on its head. It is still on the U.S. Dollar bill, but Chinese trust Gold more now. Welcome to the end of the beginning. We are finishing Information Revolution based on the Internet.  Read more."