Tuesday 27 December 2022

"Investigating Binance - Crypto Roundtable": Why Banksters Are "Fighting" The FED With Tether Using Your Money? And Who Is Buying All Gold And Silver Now?

"There is no Gold 2.0 - there are more than 5,000 years of human history with Gold. We have another confirmation of the unique status of Gold - as the ultimate hedge for all portfolios constructed with equities, bonds and Crypto assets."


"Crypto myths are being dismantled one by one: Bitcoin is NOT Gold 2.0, Bitcoin is not an inflation hedge and Bitcoin is not a new asset class. Bitcoin is triggering, following and igniting the burst of all bubbles starting with technology sectors."

Now you should listen very carefully to this discussion "Investigating Binance - Crypto Roundtable". Those who are seeking the truth can hear. Those who have vested interests will find new excuses. It is fine. Make your own choice after your own due diligence. Now you have a lot of ideas on how to do it. Stay safe.

Now it is imperative to save as many as we can. The whole generation is being slaughtered at the Crypto Slaughter House. Who will invest in the real future? Will people continue to "farm" after the collapse of this Crypto Tulip Bubble? We reap what we sow. To go ALL UP we need a lot of strategic metals for the Energy rEVolution: Lithium, Copper and Silver

The brave, fearless Bitcoin freedom fighters were supposed to be fighting FED as the symbol of all financial oppression, banks, Wall Street and other hierarchy Pyramids. Why have they allowed banksters to hijack the Crypto agenda and build the Ponzi Pyramids again this time?

"The Treason by Wall Street and "Elites" put millions and their savings at risk. 

"Our western society is eating itself alive. Capitalism is bad. It surely must be dead by yesterday. We have so many great historical examples with all other brave social experiments of organising human societies to choose from and follow. Have you been there? Have you lived it as well? I've been there, I've seen it. I've done it all.



If it was a war it would be considered treason, in the Bubble TV Wall Street marketing machine schedule, it's just another day. Small print. Not investment advice. Buyer beware. Who reads anything anyway?"

Some "very smart, specially gifted and appropriately trained" people would like us to continue our fights between left and right, between East and West. We should look UP seeking the truth, as usual. It is not the time to go very deep here. 

Now we know who was buying all the Gold and we can guess who is buying all the Silver available as well. 

"It is utterly disgusting to watch how green Crypto dragons cringed overnight and turned out to be just noisy dragonflies. Now they are trying to have their own last supper feasting on the helpless prey. "Pump and Dump Boiler Rooms" in Vancouver had more style in their heyday. I do apologise one more time:

"For your personal risk management, two very simple things are very important to understand. The first one, the whales with laser eyes who are pumping up and selling Bitcoin to you today at $50,000 will be fine even if Bitcoin will crash tomorrow to $25,000 and will never come back. 

They will be more than fine if they really "bought it at $1." You will lose half of your capital. And second, Elon Musk can lose $40 Billion dollars after his bitcoin adventure with Tesla, he will be fine."


Brave, Fearless People From FTX "Have Seen It All" by Their Mid-20s - CEO of Alameda Research: “Yes, Absolutely, I Can Pull It Off Without My Math Degree…”

Brave, Fearless People from FTX "Have Seen It All" by Their Mid-20s - CEO of Alameda Research: “Yes, absolutely, I can pull it off without my math degree…”

The Circus left, but the clowns are still here.

Where is your money?

Wu Blockchain

Wu Blockchain has compiled the list of companies and tokens where FTX holds or made investments. These entities potentially may be affected during FTX bankruptcy proceedings and the following liquidation of FTX's assets. Your money deserves your respect, act accordingly with your own research and proper due diligence.

The Block

"A lot of banksters who turned "Cypherpunks" to unload their "CryptoPunks" VC investments on the ReTail forget to tell you that government has a very effective monopoly on violence. Now banksters crossed the line and threatened the most sacred sovereign function of the Royal Mint: the ability to mint the Sovereign Coin and prosecute everyone who will dare to counterfeit it.

"It is not the question of "If?" but the only question of "When?"regulators and law enforcement agencies will bring another "Global Takedown". Please check all your cold wallets in your bag well in advance - you can be hodling it forever."


"The simple question to answer is: "Can theoretically some super-smart specially gifted people digitise ENRON's brave advanced accounting, Bernie Madoff's and Lehman Brothers' "Best Investment Practices"; encrypt it all for safely with a lot of BS, put it on a blockchain and give it as a finished product to ReTail to enjoy? In the end, it seems, that this is exactly what they really want to keep them happy while they are FOMO chasing their Day Dreams with LAMBos". A lot of Circus entertainment and some Bread for some, sometimes. All the same, just encrypted with a lot of hard to understand Crypto Tech jargon and other BS spices, so it tastes so good."

"I would say, why not? After all, other "One Thousand and One" known to humans scams are already being tortured by elliptic-curve cryptography in the Dark Crypto Web and put on different blockchains. Needless to say, that Circus has left already, probably, with all treasure troves, only clowns are still here."

Gold - The Catalyst: Bitcoin And Other Video Games Of The MMT Age.


"Every bubble needs great people to make it great. Gold is the ultimate hedge and now confirms that it can provide a hedge not only for portfolios constructed with stocks and bonds but for all portfolios including cryptocurrencies as well.


"The last Gold bugs left are jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon and getting lost in the Dark Crypto Web with their money being Tethered. To be brutally honest, I am still puzzled how the same old as this world "investment thesis" can still fly even at this recent Bitcoin altitude. “Just imagine if every Chinese family will buy a mechanical clock”. I guess it’s all about things that hardly anybody can really understand, memes and laser eyes.

The old beautiful law of leverage can produce miracles on the way upif it is applied properly. The same law has already crashed the whole civilisations. Not everybody is ready to dive really deep with me to learn about "Rehypothecation Silos in the UK" - MMT collateral pyramids on the grand scale - the driving engine of modern financial miracles. It can provide you with a better understanding of the real risks involved in the overleveraged financial system. In my very personal opinion, all these Dark Web Crypto scams are worse squared.


"Welcome to Bitcoin "market" with a price discovery driven by Tether digital printing press instead of FED's FIAT "digital press" and Elon Musk Twitter feed. Do brave FED fighters on blockchain even realise that?" 


Why Banksters Are "Fighting" the FED with Tether Using Your Money? History Lessons of SEC and DOJ Rug Pulls, Tornado Black Swans and "Liberty Reserve" Black Friday

Specially gifted traders and Cult leaders should not be even bothered. Every single "investor" in any Crypto Dreams must invest 37 min of your time and watch very carefully the history lessons about SEC, IRS and DOJ Rug Pulls from "Liberty Reserve" Black Friday. 

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