Every bubble needs great people to make it great. Gold is the ultimate hedge and now confirms that it can provide a hedge not only for portfolios constructed with stocks and bonds but for all portfolios including cryptocurrencies as well.
Nobody knows the future, but for all brave hodlers, I can suggest that by allocating just 10% of your crypto portfolio into Gold you can get better sleep at night. If Crypto Whales who are pumping Bitcoin and selling it to you are right and its price will go to 1,000,000 - this investment in Gold will be a very small price to pay to be on your own yacht. You can have your own toilet made of that Gold in that case.
If Crypto Whales are playing dirty with your desire for Freedom - you will be able to stay alive with your holding of Gold to enjoy your Freedom even after all your "Crypto Store of Value" will go down that proverbial toilet. Do your homework, make informed decisions and stay safe.
Jim Puplava and John Ing are translating today for us all things "crypto" in English and discussing "New Normal", old Inflation and Gold in the MMT Age. It is highly recommended for all to listen in order to realise that Bitcoin and other Video Games of the MMT Age are just that - Games. These games are played by Crypto Whales with Gamers and have nothing to do with the real values in the real world. You do not even have to go as far as EMP, just remember that all virtual games are virtual and some very ruthless and determined people are planning the real War Games.

Bitcoin has become one of the main soft targets in the West and deserves national attention as a matter of state military risk management. Bitcoin's crash will not only bring a brutal awakening to "the brave fighters of the FED", but can bring very important companies like my beloved Tesla down spreading the shock waves across a very fragile overleveraged economy. The higher Bitcoin goes now, the more "great people" are getting sucked into and being sacrificed for this "Mother of All Bubbles" - the bigger shock will be for all parties involved after that lethal strike.

The last Gold bugs left are jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon and getting lost in the Dark Crypto Web with their money being Tethered. To be brutally honest, I am still puzzled how the same old as this world "investment thesis" can still fly even at this recent Bitcoin altitude. “Just imagine if every Chinese family will buy a mechanical clock”. I guess it’s all about things that hardly anybody can really understand, memes and laser eyes.
The old beautiful law of leverage can produce miracles on the way up if it is applied properly. The same law has already crashed the whole civilisations. Not everybody is ready to dive really deep with me to learn about "Rehypothecation Silos in the UK" - MMT collateral pyramids on the grand scale - the driving engine of modern financial miracles. It can provide you with a better understanding of the real risks involved in the overleveraged financial system. In my very personal opinion, all these Dark Web Crypto scams are worse squared.
"Welcome to Bitcoin "market" with a price discovery driven by Tether digital printing press instead of FED's FIAT "digital press" and Elon Musk Twitter feed. Do brave FED fighters on blockchain even realise that?"
Who owns what in Bahamas and Bermuda? Who owes to whom? Will everybody get tasered after they have been happily Tethering their money with Bitcoin on its way up? We will see, but today a lot of people should pray that my beloved Elon Musk will not completely take his eyes off the ball fighting his demons after becoming "technoking".
FOMO is the main driving force of this part of the very tired bull market in equities. Bitcoin with its cryptic prophets and the main appeal as a promise of a possible "Getting Rich Quick" Ponzi scheme is always wrapped up in goldish Gold 2.0 crypto foil. This is where we have the glimpse of things to come to the Gold market after Silver Squeeze. Everybody hates Gold now, will you love it as FOMO at $15,000?
Bitcoin used to be Gold 2.0 - the Real Money, but better. First, it lost its quality as a method of payment. If all pizzas bought with Bitcoin will fly to the moon, who is going to use it as intermedium to conduct commercial transactions? Now it is pumped by the whales to the herd as “the store of value”. This value depends on whether Apple will buy it tomorrow or one of the brave corporate balance sheet treasury investors in crypto will go bust.
What will happen with this "store of value" if Elon Musk decides to sell all Bitcoin and put Tesla treasury funds in Dogecoin instead? What will be the next value proposition - NFTed memes and laser eyes? For your personal risk management, two very simple things are very important to understand.
Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner
The first one, the Twitter Whales with laser eyes who are pumping up and selling Bitcoin to you today at $60,000 will be fine even if Bitcoin will crash tomorrow to $30,000 and will never come back. They will be more than fine if they really "bought it at $1." You will lose half of your capital. And second, Elon Musk can lose $40 Billion dollars after his bitcoin adventure with Tesla, he will be fine. Not a lot of young revolutionaries who are fighting FED on the dark web blockchains will ever recover after losing $40,000. Never forget it and trade accordingly, just do not call it an investment.
The potential realisation by the herd that if you do not know who is "the sucker" at the Bitcoin poker table - it is you, can bring the overnight Catalyst for the Gold market.
And, please, never forget that Big Brothers and their FED hate competition and can let play you in revolutionaries for a while, but nobody is allowed to challenge "the right given by God" to "the right and chosen people" to mint the FIAT currency of any sorts.
India and China may be ringing this bell for Bitcoin first for their own citizens now. After I have published this post yesterday, I came across two podcasts with Mike Green today. Invest two hours of your time and listen carefully before you get lost in the Dark Crypto Web. My analysis of Bitcoin as an example of the "Mother of All Bubbles" and National Security Risk was based on the big picture view and market observations.
Mike Green provides us with the best and clear logic, which I found so far, translating all cryptic slogans and separating all woke flies from your hard-earned hamburgers. Needless to say and it is not very shocking for us here, Cryptic Prophets with laser eyes sound very plain after being translated into English and Twitter Whales can not address any major topics of concern in-depth after being taken out of the Twitter comfort zone with its 240 characters limit.
But the most troubling for me personally is the realisation that "technological expert' cannot refute on the spot the technological possibility of attack by Non-Economic Actors on the Bitcoin network. The technical possibility of such an attack by any of the state-level players put all these Crypto Video Games of the MMT Age in a totally new military risk assessment perspective of the War Games in the 21st century. As Mike Green commented: "We are willingly participating in the system that is dominated by those who has explicitly stated bad intentions towards the United States."
Who has invented this National Security Risk wrapped in a fake goldish foil which is growing exponentially and has been marketed as Gold 2.0 to the herd in the West? It remains to be answered in the future, but your money deserves your respect today. Understand first what kind of games you are playing and who is holding all the aces. The very old Game of Music Chairs will drive the very simple exit strategy for the Whales holding all the aces. Who will pull the plug first? You need to convert your paper gains into real capital gains before others will do it. Once the amount of money flowing in becomes smaller than the amount of money rushing out, this bubble will burst. The higher it goes now, the deeper will be the fall for those buying at the top of the bubble. But even without this dramatic and traumatic experience for so many good people, Gold has the major friend now and FED's driving force with unlimited money printing and Negative Real Rates.
Jim Puplava and John Ing are discussing today in depth all these factors, which will propel Gold on its next leg up in this young Bull market. The best Gold miners are literally printing money at these prices of Gold already.
These seasoned market veterans are confirming my observations that M&A will be the main driving force for the junior mining space. Major Gold miners are facing Peak Gold Reserves and need new giant projects in the stable mining jurisdiction just to continue the same rate of production.
Below you can find more information for your own research on the TNR Gold relationship with developing Donlin Gold Mining Camp and my own personal vision of how the Donlin Gold project can potentially grow into a 50 million-plus oz Au resource project and become a major Gold Mining Camp in the world based on the U.S. soil. How is this relevant, what is the relationship between Donlin and Shotgun Gold?
Please read my legal disclaimer. There is NO investment advice on any Kirill Klip feeds and blog. Always consult a qualified financial adviser before any investment decisions.
Do Your Own Research.
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