Wednesday 19 May 2021

DeepFake Love And Crypto: Bitcoin "Striptease Club Economics".

My dear Friends, hopefully, you are reading my blog and Twitter feed not for the first time. Your Crypto Dreams must be Hedged with Gold or you were strong enough not to get on Bitcoin Crypto drugs. Take heart & stay strong, if we met only now. It's a war for you now. Stay cool, but start thinking.


Update. May 20, 2021.

We are losing the whole generation of Gamers who are playing with life as just another Video Game. They are ready for the Matrix Plug. Who needs wars? And they are well underway. We are studying the old manifestos and cutting each other throats ourselves.

Young are blessed with ignorance. They have never tasted the bitterest taste of loss. For them, it is all just another Video Game. But what are you doing? Don't you have enough? You are butchering the whole generation at the Bitcoin slaughterhouse.


I do apologise if I am breaking news to you and will be ruining your beautiful dream about a solid "Crypto Store of Value" built on the digitised centuries-old lies, scams and Ponzi Schemes that are put on the blockchain. Your sandcastles are made from the same old pyramids.


Now solid boys and girls from the Wall Street Bubble Machine are in charge of your Crypto dreams and they are blowing the hot air heated by billions of dollars burnt on fire in the Bubbles of the Crypto market.

At some point, you will notice that the same people from your Bubble TV who were so excited about all things Crypto and were dancing around the Bitcoin Pole will become "very concerned" for you.



"How could people be so reckless and invest in all those sandcastles like "Tether HQ"? Only then some Crypto Bears will be allowed on air.


And those who sold already will be concerned the most. You will recognise that charts on my feed were screaming about this coming Bear market for months by now. 


But it will be already so late for so many. Can we blame righteously all those boys and girls from Wall Street and Bubble TV leading your "Fight for Freedom Against The FED"?

Yes, but it will not help you. They are paid millions to promote all these Crypto and other Bubbles to you. News flash - this is their job they are hired to do. Why have you been looking for love in the Crypto "Striptease Clubs"? You were on this beach helping them to build these beautiful sandcastles with your own money.


You were playing this video Game in Bitcoin and Crypto, not for the sake and beauty of blockchain technology. Greed and lust will corrupt everything. And then the tide is coming back. Watch your Crypto sandcastles.

Death by thousand cuts is coming to Crypto and Bitcoin Bubbles. India, Turkey, China, FED, Treasury, IRS, Tether, Binance. Notice all coordinated announcements, warnings and "concerns". BOE, Norway, Canada. Bitcoin Crypto Mania became the major soft target in the West, it was exposed and under attack already

The collapse of this "Mother of All Bubbles" will reverberate through the world's economy. Do not forget to take your profits. Have you bought your house with it already as well? Time kills everything. Only a few things are timeless... and our own common stupidity as a species will be one of them, very unfortunately. 

May 19, 2021.

My dear friends, hopefully, you are reading my blog and Twitter feed not for the first time. Your Crypto Dreams must be Hedged with Gold or you were strong enough not to get on Bitcoin Crypto drugs. Take heart & stay strong, if we met only now. It's a war for you now. Stay cool, but start thinking.


We will be talking about the $2.5 Trillion "Crypto Economy" vanishing into the very thin air and the Bitcoin "Striptease Club Economics". Buckle up and stay safe. 

"I had a very bad dream last night. There was a news report about Tesla driving in the FSD mode with only one clown sitting in the back seat of the car and nobody was at the steering wheel driving Tesla. The streets were full of still happy people trading something on their smartphones after Tim Dillon has announced: "Masks Off, T*&s Out Season". 

Tesla was flying in self-accelerating ludicrous mode just seconds away from smashing into the young and cheerful crowd full of life with all their dreams about the future freedom, crypto and interplanetary life.


Then Tesla disappeared suddenly, vanishing into the thin air with many billions of dollars in the market cap... Only FUD, sweat and tears were left on the ground."

I've been there. I've done it. In 2000 & 2008. Have you? First, Stay Strong. Start DYOR. Should you listen to the same Crypto High Priests who get you here? Check the Bible. Protect Capital. Better lose opportunity than Capital. Move.

By now you should realise the amount of money spent on marketing these Crypto drugs to you. Only you can decide to be rich or poor. Nobody gets bankrupt by taking profits. You decide. It tastes so sweet, but will this sugar kill you? 

I know that you are confused. It's OK. They were talking about love but invited you to the "striptease club" party. Check the music and who is dancing, does it involve throwing some money? Then get out, take fresh air. 

Today is the war for you. We need everyone who can think. One starfish at a time. Back into the sea. Make a difference for that one. Prophets are in the Bible. They don't have laser eyes. They don't preach love in the "striptease clubs".

They plugged you into Crypto VR after they have been poisoning you with Video Games for years. Life is REAL. Don't forget to take your profits. Your losses will be real. You have to work hard, not just buy & HODL. Start DYOR. Otherwise - PLUG and Matrix.

They were talking about love & "Fighting the FED". But why the "Board Room" is in the "striptease club"? Who is dancing? Who is selling tickets? Fresh air. Think. Study. You can always come back there if you have money to buy tickets again.

It was all about "The Honest Money" & "Fighting the Banks with their FED". Why the suits are selling it to you now? Who hooked you on that Crypto? Detox, breathe, think. You can always come back if you have money left to buy it.

Building The Next Real Gold: TNR Gold Stay Committed To Gold While Holding Royalties In Copper, Silver And Lithium, Ready For The "Green rEVolution".

Everybody's chasing Crypto, we stick to Gold. And we accept dollars as well. They are fine - we are working to turn them into Gold for our investors. We are building TNR Gold Corp. - The Next Real Gold."
Kirill Klip, Executive Chairman,
TNR Gold Corp.

Please read my legal disclaimer. There is NO investment advice on any Kirill Klip feeds and blog. Always consult a qualified financial adviser before any investment decisions. 
Do Your Own Research.

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