Saturday 20 August 2016

Join "Ban Diesel UK" Campaign: DieselGate In Europe - How Officials Ignored Years Of Emissions Evidence.

  Our campaign "Ban Diesel UK" is gaining strength with more than 100,000 people reached across social media platforms. We need your help now. Please donate your RTs and Favs on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook - share and spread the message.

Join our #BanDieselUK campaign - go to this message RT and share! Spread the message, please.

"Meeting minutes, correspondence and conversation records that SPIEGEL ONLINE and the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet have obtained now show that the European Commission and member states knew, since 2010 at the latest, that the extremely harmful emissions from diesel cars were strikingly higher than legal levels.
But apparently none of the officials wanted the automakers to tell them why this was the case. According to EU officials, pressure from countries with a strong auto industry, most notably Germany, significantly reduced interest in an investigation. Instead of doing something about the environmental policy violation, the Commission and the member states passed the buck to each other. This undignified back-and-forth even continued after the VW scandal about manipulated diesel cars in the United States was exposed in September 2015. Spiegel. Links to the full article are below."

Join "Ban Diesel UK" Campaign: Netherlands Wants To Ban Non-Electric Car Sales By 2025.

   Now Netherlands are chasing Norway in the lithium race towards the clean air for its population. We deserve it all. The lithium technology is here, this move will provide the necessary kick-start to the whole New Energy economy based on Electric Cars, Solar and Wind with other renewable energy sources. 
  Our campaign "Ban Diesel UK" is gaining strength with more than 100,000 people reached across social media platforms. We need your help now. Please donate your RTs and Favs on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook - share and spread the message.  Read More."

London, Join "Ban Diesel UK" Campaign: We Still Can Beat Oslo - Norway To Ban Petrol And Diesel Cars By 2025.

  "Hey, London, while Norway is going back and forward let's beat Oslo and ban all diesel cars right now and all petrol ones  by 2020.  Our new Mayor has promised us all clean air. It is time to deliver! Read more."

Join our #BanDieselUK campaign - go to this message RT and share! Spread the message, please.

Join "Ban Diesel UK" Campaign: EU Encouraged Car Industry to Cheat, French Report Says.

Join our #BanDieselUK campaign - go to this message RT and share! Spread the message, please.

  "Our campaign "Ban Diesel UK" is gaining strength with more than 60,000 people reached across social media platforms. We need your help now. Please donate your RTs and Favs on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook - share and spread the message.  Nothing will change before you will demand it as this new report from EuObserver shows. Below you can find links and my thoughts about DieselGate. It is not only Volkswagen and it is not only Diesel. 
  Nobody has right to take our health away, we can and must demand change from politicians. We can bring change ourselves: just vote with your wallet. It is quite stupid after all to pay yourself to poison your kids with cancer hazard diesel pollution. "Clean Diesel" scam is to deal with first now and then  with "Not So Dirty Petrol"  - Lithium Technology is here. Beautiful electric cars for the mass market are coming. GM Bolt and Tesla Model 3 will bring the first tide to move exponentially from below 1% in the worldwide sales of EVs and there are 25 companies in China already now are producing 51 models of electric cars so that all of us can have a choice of the best ones suiting everybody. Read French Report."

BREXIT DieselGate Fallout: Diesel Vehicle Purchases Banned By City Of London Corporation - Who Will Follow Now?

The City of London Corporation has also created the ‘City Air’ app, which offers low-pollution travel routes around the capital

Join our #BanDieselUK campaign - go to this message RT and share! Spread the message, please.

WHO: DieselGate Is A Cancer Problem - Auto Industry Calls "Not To Jeopardise Diesel As One Of Its Key Pillars."

  "The City Of London Corporation makes diesel cars the first casualty of Brexit breaking free from the corrupted EU protecting the automakers of diesel cars with cancer hazard emissions choking us all to death. Who will follow now the new sustainability benchmark in the UK? Let's not waste a good Brexit opportunity and ban all diesel cars right now in the UK and all petrol cars by 2020. We have the real chance to jump start the Energy rEVolution in the UK and make millions of high paid manufacturing jobs in the country providing affordable energy, electric cars and the real Energy Security to the Great Britain. It is time to make Britain The Great again.  Read more."


Dieselgate in Europe: How Officials Ignored Years of Emissions Evidence

By  and 

When American authorities revealed that Volkswagen used software to trick pollution tests, it spurred widespread outrage. Documents obtained by SPIEGEL show that European officials knew about the deception for years -- but didn't act on it.

"Managers at Volkswagen know with whom they have to maintain friendships. After the then EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship Antonio Tajani paid a visit to the company in the spring of 2010, he received a package. "We hope to make you happy with this VfL Wolfsburg jersey signed by the players," the head of VW's Brussels office wrote deferentially."

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